Eucast Global

Eucast Global

Contract Information

Cooperative NameSourcewell
Contract Name4G/5G private cellular
Contract Number020624-EUC
Contract Term06/06/2024 - 05/07/2028
CategoriesOffice & Technology
Office & Technology: Computers & Accessories
Office & Technology: IT Services & Data Security
Public Safety


Sourcewell contract 020624-EUC gives access to the following types of goods and services:

  • Private Wireless 4G, 5G, CBRS base stations (indoor/outdoor)
  • Network in a Box (NIB) backpack, car carrier, marine units
  • Integrated Core (EPC) and Management Software (EMS)
  • Internet, satellite, backhaul connectivity solutions
  • Emergency disaster, military, Smart city applications
  • Digital twin solutions 
  • IoT / artificial intelligence (AI) solutions
  • Smart pole technology
  • Edge to cloud based applications
  • Engineering service and extended last mile
  • Network design, RF analysis, install, maintenance
  • Leasing and financing options

Pricing and How to Order

Have questions on this contract?

Contact our dedicated team or call 877-585-9706.