

Contract Information

Cooperative NameSourcewell
Contract NameEquipment Installation, Maintenance, and Services
Contract Number031224-LUT
Contract Term06/04/2024 - 05/13/2028
CategoriesFleet & Related
Fleet & Related: Automotive Parts & Tires
Fleet & Related: Fleet Management
Public Works
Public Works: Automotive Parts & Tires


Sourcewell contract 031224-LUT gives access to the following types of goods and services:

  • Equipment install & service
  • Lifts, reels, & hoses
  • Meters & valves
  • Asset management software
  • Electronic tank monitoring
  • Fluid recycling & disposal
  • Storage tanks & cleaning
  • Chemical management
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Fluid analysis program

Pricing and How to Order

Information in this file is subject to change

Contract 031224-LUT - Price Information