Nachurs Alpine

Nachurs Alpine

Contract Information

Cooperative NameSourcewell
Contract NameAirport runway materials
Contract Number110122-NCH
Contract Term01/16/2023 - 01/23/2027
CategoriesRoads & Airports
Roads & Airports: Airport and runway equipment
Roads & Airports: Asphalt and paving equipment
Roads & Airports: Paint and markings
Roads & Airports: Snow and ice handling


Sourcewell contract 110122-NCH gives access to the following types of goods and services:

  • Airport runway deicers
  • Potassium acetate 50% liquid
  • Sodium formate solid granules
  • Snow & ice control
  • Anti-icing runways
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Application guidance
  • Product training
  • Meets SAE AMS specifications
  • FAA acceptable product

Pricing and How to Order

Have questions on this contract?

Contact our dedicated team or call 877-585-9706.