

Contract Information

Cooperative NameSourcewell
Contract NameElectric vehicle equipment
Contract Number042221-NUV
Contract Term07/23/2021 - 07/20/2025
CategoriesFleet & Related
Fleet & Related: Electric Vehicle Equipment
Fleet & Related: Fleet Management


Sourcewell contract 042221-NUV gives access to the following types of goods and services:

  • V2G DC fast charging stations
  • Level 2 AC charging stations 
  • Nuvve V1G or V2G software
  • Intelligent energy management
  • Fleet management dashboard
  • Charging station maintenance
  • Regular monitoring & support
  • Site survey
  • Project management
  • Flexible financing options
  • Turnkey solutions with EVs
  • Expert guidance

Pricing and How to Order

Information in this file is subject to change

Contract 042221-NUV - Price Information