

Contract Information

Cooperative NameSourcewell
Contract NameEnvironmental Consulting, Safe Drinking Water
Contract Number012524-TRP
Contract Term04/12/2024 - 04/03/2028
CategoriesFleet & Related
Fleet & Related: Public Utility Equipment
Public Works
Public Works: Public Utility Equipment
Roads & Airports
Roads & Airports: Underground & Pipeline


Sourcewell contract 012524-TRP gives access to the following types of goods and services:

  • Lead & copper rule
  • Lead & copper revisions
  • Lead & copper improvements
  • Lead service line inventory
  • Water system LCRR compliance
  • Lead compliance sampling
  • Pitcher filter distribution
  • Identify service line material
  • Data & records management
  • Communication strategies
  • School water testing
  • Childcare water testing

Pricing and How to Order

Information in this file is subject to change

Contract 012524-TRP - Price Information